Canon’s Styled Shoots in Lisbon

Capture the Portuguese Essence

Canon’s Photo & Video Styled Shoots in Lisbon

Ready to experience the heart of Lisbon without tackling those infamous hills? (Seriously, why does no one ever mention all the hills in Lisbon?) Canon has you covered with their exclusive Styled Shoot at the stunning Pateo Alfacinha for this season’s Way Up North event. Get ready to immerse yourself in Portuguese charm, savor delicious Pasteis de nata, and capture breathtaking images – all in one convenient location!

Sign-up will happen on this page September 8th at 20:00 Swedish time, which is Central European Summer Time (CEST). It is first-come, first-served.

Canon’s Style Shoot: Photos

As Platinum Sponsor of Way Up North, Canon is pulling out all the stops to bring you an unforgettable photographic experience. Don’t forget to pack an extra SD or CFexpress Type B card because you’re in for a treat. Canon is bringing their new R5 Mark II mirrorless cameras and latest lenses for you to try out. With Canon experts on hand to help you get the most out of these loan cameras (or even your own gear) and Canon Ambassadors ready to offer advice and tips, you’re set for a day of photographic excellence.

The venue itself is a photographer’s paradise. From the charming courtyard to the on-site chapel, several beautiful couples will be available for you to photograph throughout this spectacular location. Trust us, stunning images await at every corner.

To ensure everyone gets ample shooting time (and pastry-eating time), Canon has arranged two sessions on October 21st:

  • Session 1: 13:00 – 14:30
  • Session 2: 15:30 – 17:00

This schedule gives you plenty of time to grab a Pasteis de nata or Ginjinha between, after, or even during sessions. Because let’s face it, what’s a trip to Portugal without indulging in its culinary delights?

Sign-up will happen on this page September 8th at 20:00 Swedish time, which is Central European Summer Time (CEST). It is first-come, first-served. There are 25 spots available for each photo session.

Canon’s Style Shoot: Video

But wait, there’s more! Are you looking to level up your video skills? Sign up for Canon’s Video Style Shoot, where they’ll recreate a wedding day, allowing you to shoot and practice your technique in a real-world scenario.

Canon video experts Jack and Ram will be your guides through this cinematic journey. They’ll help you optimize your camera settings, teach you essential video techniques, and show you the art of capturing those crucial cutaway shots. By the end of the session, you’ll have enough content to create a “mock” wedding video, along with newfound insights on getting the best from your equipment and increased confidence in your video shooting abilities.

While loan equipment will be available, Canon recommends bringing your own gear if you’re aiming to improve your technique. This way, you can focus on filmmaking rather than deciphering what each new button or blinking light means.

There will be two video sessions on October 21st:

  • Session 1: 12:00 – 13:30
  • Session 2: 14:30 – 16:00

Sign-up will happen on this page September 8th at 20:00 Swedish time, which is Central European Summer Time (CEST). It is first-come, first-served. There are 10 spots available for each video session.

Location Details:

Páteo Alfacinha
Rua do Guarda Joias, nº44, 1300-294 Lisboa

Getting there is a breeze: Take Tram 18 or Bus 760 (running every 15-20 minutes) from Cais do Sodre R. D. Vasco, followed by a short 200m walk.

Sign-Up Details

Mark your calendars! Sign-ups for these exciting Canon-sponsored style shoots will open on Sunday, September 8th at 20:00 Swedish time (Central European Summer Time – CEST).

Available spots for each session:

  • Video Style Shoots: 10 spots per session
  • Photo Style Shoots: 25 spots per session

Remember, places are limited, so be sure to sign up early to secure your spot!

The Canon Experience at Way Up North

As you wrap up your style shoot sessions, whether photo or video, take a moment to soak in the atmosphere. You’ve just experienced a slice of Portugal, honed your skills with Canon’s top-of-the-line equipment, and hopefully indulged in a Pasteis de nata or two.

This is what Canon has planned for you at Way Up North, and you’re an integral part of the experience. Whether you’re capturing still moments or moving pictures, you’re not just attending an event – you’re creating memories and mastering your craft with cutting-edge Canon gear in one of Europe’s most picturesque cities.

So, gear up, charge those batteries, and get ready for a day of creativity, learning, and Portuguese charm. Canon can’t wait to see what you’ll capture at their Styled Shoot during Way Up North!

See you in...

  • Lisbon 2024

    October 22 + 23


  1. Hi Canon Portugal Team,

    I hope this message finds you well. I am interested in attending a wedding photography workshop in Portugal and would like to inquire about the following details:

    1. What is the price for the upcoming wedding photography and videography workshops?
    2. How can I register, and are there any specific requirements for participation?

    Additionally, my partner and I are both interested in joining the workshop for both photo and video sessions. Is there any discount available for registering as a couple or for attending both the photo and video workshops together?

    We also have tickets for the WUN Festival in Lisbon.

    Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to your response!

    Best regards,

  2. Hey everyone! I’d love to know, are these shoots happening on the 22nd or 23rd October? Or is it both or neither? I don’t see a day mentioned for each, just time of day.
    And please confirm that registration opens on September 8th (as per the email) and not October 8th (as per the blog).

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