Way Up North Lisbon: Theme Origins

What’s In A Theme?

Hosting Way Up North has taught us valuable lessons over the years. In the early days, we thought simply putting together a great line-up would suffice. While it worked initially, something didn’t quite feel right. We realised there was no “red line” tying the event together. The presenters were all giving it their all, but the show lacked structure.

Over time, we embraced the practice of beginning each Way Up North event with a theme – an overarching idea to guide the event. We then ask presenters to interpret this theme in their presentations, giving each show a cohesive feel from start to finish.

Lisbon’s Theme

The theme for each event emerges organically, and we never know exactly when inspiration will strike. For Lisbon, it came when we encountered the documentary “Where Dreams Go to Die.” Directed by Ethan Newberry (also known as “The Ginger Runner”), the film follows Canadian ultrarunner Gary Robbins in his attempts to complete the notoriously difficult Barkley Marathons.

We encourage you to watch the documentary to fully appreciate its message. For Lisbon, we were captivated by the intent behind the film. It explores the physical and emotional extremes of this legendary race, where even the most dedicated and skilled athletes may see their ultimate dreams fall short. It’s a remarkable testament to human endurance and perseverance.

Where Do Dreams (Actually) Die

However, “Where Dreams Go To Die” isn’t solely about trying and failing in extreme physical challenges. It can manifest in various aspects of life:

  1. The comfort zone and constant complacency
  2. The “someday” mentality where goals are endlessly postponed
  3. The echo chamber of negativity discouraging risk-taking
  4. The comparison trap of measuring oneself against others’ facades

These are just a few examples of how dreams can wither. We loved the idea of Lisbon presenters interpreting this topic in their own unique ways, exploring the myriad paths where dreams might falter – and more importantly, how to overcome these challenges.

Ultimately, we believe this theme will leave all guests in Lisbon with an uplifting feeling. You’re not coming to Lisbon to learn where dreams die. Rather, you’re coming to experience the stories of those on stage, to hear how perseverance and life’s twists and turns have woven their journeys into exciting new chapters.

See you in...

  • Lisbon 2024

    October 22 + 23

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